Pensions on Divorce

A separation is not only a very emotionally stressful time, it can also lead to a great deal of worry and anxiety regarding your future finances. Assets such as properties and savings and investments need to be shared. As do pensions, which are often a complex and confusing issue, but a hugely important subject for your long term financial wellbeing.  We regularly work with clients going through the process of separation and divorce.

This is sometimes as part of a mediation process, where we will impartially explain to both parties in plain English how their pensions work and how they can be shared fairly, and in their best interests.

At other times we will advise an individual regarding how the separation will affect their long term finances. This may be talking through the implications of a proposed settlement. Common concerns include what budget will I have to purchase a new home, what income can I expect now or in retirement and what should I be doing with savings or investments. It may be how should I be arranging a possible pension share so it is working for my long term financial benefit.

At a stressful time, we aim to provide a reassuring guide to help clients plan their finances in the next phase of their lives.

We work closely with local solicitors and family mediators to provide a joined-up professional service.

Specialist Advice

Trust & Trustee Advice

Power of Attorney and Court of Protection

Redundancy Counselling

Advice Team

Phil Boon

Phil Boon

Director & Independent Financial Adviser
Graham Hume

Graham Hume

Director & Independent Financial Adviser
Stephen Sale

Stephen Sale

Director & Independent Financial Adviser
Michelle Murphy

Michelle Murphy

Independent Financial Adviser
Vig Gunasegaran

Vig Gunasegaran

Independent Financial Adviser
Adam Whittingham

Adam Whittingham

Senior Paraplanner
Cameron Boon

Cameron Boon


Please feel free to contact us if you would like to enquire further