Estate and Inheritance Tax Planning

Estate Planning is an area of great importance to many clients, especially given the increase in house values in recent years.

While most have a clear desire to pass on wealth to future generations, many do not take action due to a lack of understanding of the options available, or through fear of running out themselves.  Others may worry about the impact of inheritance tax on their estate, without fully appreciating the value of the tax free allowances which are available, and simple tax planning measures which can help limit a future tax liability.

Beechwood’s advisers can help with your inheritance tax planning.  Typically this will start by calculating and then explaining your estates potential inheritance tax liability and exploring whether you are taking advantage of the tax allowances available, to their fullest extent.  Once you have a clearer picture of your estate’s potential inheritance tax position, we can discuss the options which can help to limit your estate’s future tax charge, while ensuring you always have access to enough capital for your own requirements.

Inheritance tax planning is always specific to an individual’s circumstances and so our advice is always bespoke.  However, our discussions may cover areas such as making gifts, the use of trusts, the benefits of pension assets compared to other savings and investments, and other inheritance tax efficient investments.

After speaking with us, you will have a clear idea of your estate’s current inheritance tax position and should be well placed to make informed decisions, which are right for you and for your family.

Advice Team

Phil Boon

Phil Boon

Director & Independent Financial Adviser
Graham Hume

Graham Hume

Director & Independent Financial Adviser
Stephen Sale

Stephen Sale

Director & Independent Financial Adviser
Michelle Murphy

Michelle Murphy

Independent Financial Adviser
Vig Gunasegaran

Vig Gunasegaran

Independent Financial Adviser
Adam Whittingham

Adam Whittingham

Senior Paraplanner
Cameron Boon

Cameron Boon


Please feel free to contact us if you would like to enquire further